Livestream Link: https://www.tastefultransitions.com.au/yvonne-chapman/
Password: yvonne2001
Please note that the password is all lowercase with no spaces.
Former Mayor of Pine Rivers Shire Council and
First Female Minister for Queensland
20/01/1940 - 27/10/2024
Aged 84 years
Beloved wife of Graham (Decd), much loved Mother, Mother-In-law, Grandmother, Great Grandmother, Sister, Aunty, Friend and Patron to many.
Relatives and Friends are respectfully invited to attend a celebration of Eve's life which will be held at Norths Leagues Club, 1347 Anzac Avenue, Kallangur, Wednesday 13th November 2024 at 10:00am. For extended friends and community members wishing to attend, alternate parking can be found at Frederick Marsden Youth Centre 21 Marsden road Narangba. A bus will be available between venues.